5 Things I Learned at My First Lacrosse Game

Just like any sport, lacrosse has a learning curve.  Here are 5 things I quickly learned while at my first lacrosse game.

  1. It is really hard to tell who is which player when they are on the field because everyone wears a helmet.  I recommend having a list of the names and numbers handy so you can reference it whenever you need.
  2. You know how at a soccer game a player has to chase down the ball when it goes out of bounds?  In lacrosse, they keep extra balls around the edge of the field so no one has to waste a ton of time running after the ball that flew out of bounds.  This makes a lot of sense because those balls can end up far away from the field.
  3. Just like every other sport, some of the parents take the game VERY SERIOUSLY.  Just let it happen.  Also, sometimes the over-excited parents can more interesting than the game.
  4. In men’s lacrosse, slashing is an illegal stick check to the helmet, arms, body or back.  Sometimes, the line between what is legal and illegal is gray (and intense, very intense).
  5. If there isn’t a viewable score board, it isn’t a terrible idea to keep track of the score on your own.  The scores can get up into the high teens sometimes, and you can easily forget which team has how many points.

What other things have you learned while watching lacrosse?

5 Things I Learned at My First Lacrosse Game

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